Publication details

Revize paleontologických nálezů lokality Úsobrno

Title in English Revision of the paleontological findings of the Úsobrno locality


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Studentská geologická konference 2024
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Paleontology Úsobrno, Mollusca, Anthozoa, Carpathian foreland, Baden
Description The Úsobrno locality is known on the basis of fossil fauna findings, which were documented and published by Vašíček (1941). The age of the samples was determined to be Lower Badenian. Part of the paleontological material is deposited in the collections of ÚGV PřF MU. These samples have not yet been systematically processed. The aim of the bachelor thesis was the systematic processing of samples and comparison with previous findings. Field research has not yet been able to find the original site again. In my bachelor thesis I identified a total of 573 species, which belonged mainly to the classes Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Anthozoa and Scaphopoda. I compared these taxa with the original findings mentioned by Vašíček (1941). Based on the findings, especially hermatypal corals, it can be assumed that the sea was warm (above 20° C), well oxygenated with a soft and hard bottom and mostly shallow. Some findings of fauna from deeper marine areas (Ranella fragment, ahermatypal corals) indicate mixing or postmortem transport during sedimentation.

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