Publication details

Co s načatým studiem aneb konec studijních oborů v Čechách. Část druhá: realizace pokračování ve studiu

Title in English Continuing in Studies during the end of Fields of Studies. Part two: the realization of the continuation of studies – summary

SMUTNÁ Veronika

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Odkaz na obsah příslušného časopisu s možností nákupu elektronické verze daného čísla
Keywords Higher education institution, degree program, terminiation of accredation of the study program, continue of a study, transfer
Description The whole article ’Continuing in Studies during the end of Fields of Studies’, incl. this part, deals with the duty of higher education institutions to provide students with the option of continuing their studies in the case of termination of an accreditation of a degree program. Its first part sub headed ’Part one: the Obligation for a College to Provide Students with the Opportunity to Continue their Studies’ deals mainly with content and scope of the obligation. The second part focuses on procedural aspects. Its starting point is missing legal regulation for the procedure, as well as for legal consequences. The author mentions admission procedure (pursuant to the higher education act) as a possible way, followed, however, by many shortcomings, mainly by the breaking of study. She rather suggests an alternative strategy – the ‘transfer’, which enables to keep the study going on. Thorough analysis and suggestion based on institutes of administrative procedural law therefore take a significant part of the article.

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