Publication details

The Golden visa : how can one acess the EU and for what price?



Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Comparative Politics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web article - open access
Keywords golden visa; EU countries; residence by investment programmes; investment migration.
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Description The offer of a golden visa, also known as a residence by investment (RBI) programme, is a way for EU member states to attract foreign investment, yet there are also economic, political and security risks, which is why EU institutions are critical of the practice. This study compares the costs of all the RBI regimes in the EU-27 and categorizes their models. Since 2018, when the European parliament published an extensive study of the issue, some countries have limited or abolished their programmes. However, despite the pressure, RBI programmes are still offered by 14 EU countries as of 2023. The text outlines the current conditions for obtaining a golden visa in the EU and identifies the countries with the lowest investment requirements. With the exception of Cyprus, all of the options are from countries in the Schengen area, which highlights the risks associated with free movement of investors.
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