Publication details

Detached, yet welcoming: The antinomy of Ascetics and Humanity in the social representation of dignity of a judge

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Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Citation SMEJKALOVÁ, Terezie and Petr PALÍŠEK. Detached, yet welcoming: The antinomy of Ascetics and Humanity in the social representation of dignity of a judge. In SLSA 2024. 2024.
Description A recent project investigated the social representation of a dignity of a judge (Smejkalová et al. 2022, Smejkalová et al. 2024, in print). The results showed that the dignity of a judge is objectified via a dramatic persona of a dignified judge, with a very clearly defined front (Goffman 1954). Among the themes constructing the dramatic persona, most likely belonging to the core of the representation, was Ascetics – a dignified judge is detached, formal, and condemns excesses. Yet at the same time, a dignified judge is open, welcoming, and tolerant. These themes form a rather strong conceptual contradiction. This paper investigates the antinomy between these two themes and discusses the findings of the referenced project in the light of Marková’s concept of dialogicality. It shows that using the concept of dignity of a judge in a formal legal setting requires understanding of the inherent conflicting elements of its representation as well as their ad hoc reconciliations.
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