Publication details

On 2-categorical infinity-cosmoi

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BOURKE John Denis LACK Stephen

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords infinity-categories; accessible and locally presentable categories; Enriched categories; Homotopical algebra
Description Recently Riehl and Verity have introduced infinity-cosmoi, which are certain simplicially enriched categories with additional structure. In this paper we investigate those infinity-cosmoi which are in fact 2-categories; we shall refer to these as 2-cosmoi. We show that each 2-category with flexible limits gives rise to a 2-cosmos whose distinguished class of isofibrations consists of the normal isofibrations. Many examples arise in this way, and we show that such 2-cosmoi are minimal as Cauchycomplete 2-cosmoi. Finally, we investigate accessible 2-cosmoi and develop a few aspects of their basic theory.
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