Publication details

3D dokumentace uspořádání depotu měděných předmětů z doby bronzové pomocí sekvenční fotogrammetrie

Title in English 3D documentation of the arrangement of a Bronze Age hoard with application of sequential photogrammetry


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This presentation deals with the possibility of advanced 3D documentation and subsequent reconstruction of the internal arrangement of a hoard of bronze artifacts. The contribution presents the method of sequential photogrammetry applied during the laboratory disassembly of an intact hoard of metal fragments in a ceramic vessel. This method is suitable for documenting hoards in vessels as well as blocks taken in-situ and serves as a suitable alternative or complement to high equipment-cost methods such as radiography and tomography. Unlike these methods, sequential photogrammetry does not require any expensive equipment – only a camera and a computer are needed, and it can be performed using free open-source software.
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