Publication details

K připravovaným změnám návrhových oprávnění k ochraně veřejného zájmu ve správním soudnictví

Title in English On the forthcoming changes of standing to bring an action to protect public interest before the administrative justice

HEJČ David

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords Standing to bring an action; protection of public interest; Code of Administrative Justice; Prosecutor General; Public Defender of Rights.
Description The article deals with the issue of legislative changes of standing to bring an action to protect public interest before the administrative justice, particularly with regard to the powers of the Prosecutor General and the Public Defender of Rights. These changes are intended to cover both the extension of standing to bring an action against other legal forms of public administration activity and its inaction, as well as some important conditions for exercise of such powers. It is pointed out that some of the intended changes lead to strengthening these powers, while others may weaken them. Space is also devoted to considerations of other possible de lege ferenda changes of standing to bring an action to protect public interest before the administrative justice by the Prosecutor General and the Public Defender of Rights.

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