Publication details

Ethical Aspects in Folk Songs and Their Reflection in Musical Creation and Pedagogy



Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Folk culture is an important part of the cultural expressions of any nation. In the Czech musical-pedagogical theory and practice, traditional folk songs are an important didactic basis. They help develop not only the musical skills and abilities of children, but also the non-musical area of their personality – thinking, imagination, creativity, etc. The folklore repertoire contains aspects that are still valid today – despite the changes in cultural and social development, the rapid development of technology, the influence of mass media and the changing needs of today's youth. In addition to the aesthetic reflection of various situations in human life, arising from specific historical conditions, cultural, ethnic, ethnographic, religious and other influences, songs can also reveal suprapersonal ethical moments. These phenomena were and still are a source of inspiration for numerous artistic expressions and can provide useful subjects even in contemporary education. The intentional study of the content of songs and their ethical potential is one of the current tasks of music education practice. The basic condition of this process is conscious receptive education, focused on controlled and focused listening of songs from the point of view of musical and non-musical structure. The principles of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, motifs of love, loyalty, sacrifice, patience, courage or their opposing negative manifestations are most prominently represented in the collection of folk ballads and ceremonial songs. The goal of this paper was to present the possibilities of their application in the educational process, primarily based on receptive musical activities, but also other musical activities, integration approaches within the framework of folk tradition, music creation, or other art forms.
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