Publication details

Kontinuity kolektivních pamětí a identit v česko-muslimských smíšených manželstvích: Mezigenerační transmise islámské tradice a hybridní identity českých adolescentů v muslimských rodinách

Title in English Continuity of collective memories and identities in Czech-Muslim mixed marriages: Intergenerational transmision of islamic traditon and hybrid identites of Czech Muslim – adolescents

SLÁMA Bohumil

Year of publication 2024
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In this case study, I use the narrative paradigm in the autobiographical narratives of four individuals growing up in Czech-Muslim families to deal with the influence, circumstances, and consequences of the hybridization of collective (cultural and communicative) memories on the formation of their cultural (and religious) – narrative – identities. I focus on the cultural transmission of knowledge and tradition of Islam in connection with the processes of socialization in multiplicity, which is primarily related to the mixed origin of such persons and their primary socialization in the Czech-Muslim environment of the household, which is culturally hybridized. Secondly, with growing up and secondary socialization in an environment of – mostly non-Muslim – Czech society, which is culturally heterogeneous, but often hostile to Muslims, which is accompanied by their blanket stigmatization. Through this analysis, I mainly follow the diverse interactions and multidimensional negotiations that arise in the everyday life of the second generation of Czech Muslims, as well as the trajectories of their transnational fluid and environment-conditioned identifications, which can take the form of: from full to partial identification, to full discontinuity in cultural self-identification with Islam and communicative memory, which is reproduced primarily in the families where they live.
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