Publication details

Fostering Students’ Self-Directed Language Learning: Approaches to Advising



Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Keywords advising in language learning, self-directed learning, self-regulating learning, learner autonomy, language of advising, choosing learning methods
Description This paper describes and discusses how two formats of advising in language learning offered at the Masaryk University Language Centre attempt to respond to students’ needs in self-regulating their learning. The focus is on comparing the advising sessions incorporated into an elective L2 course aiming at learner autonomy development and the sessions offered in obligatory L3 courses. A small study was conducted in both settings, identifying differences between students’ previous experiences, skills and expectations. Furthermore, two cases of individual advisees were analysed to gain a deeper insight into how similar students are supported by the different advising formats and available choices about their language learning. The case studies briefly portray how advising sessions navigate students in choosing their learning materials or methods. The aim of the paper is to illustrate that allowing students to make decisions about their language learning fosters their self-regulated learning.

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