Publication details

Tři konceptualizace inforga : od entitního pojetí po distribuovaný model

Title in English Three conceptualizations of inforgo : from the entity concept to the distributed model

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ProInflow
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords inforg; infosphere; modernity; ethics; artificial intelligence; postmodernity; Floridi; Latour
Description Purpose – This study aims to analyze the different ways of conceptualizing Floridi’s concept of inforg concerning the applicability of this concept in information science and the philosophy of information. Design / methodology / approach – The study uses a theoretical analysis of the background and implications of three different conceptualizations of the inforg phenomenon and examines them theoretically. Results – The first two approaches are based on Floridi and refer to the inforg as an entity and the inforg as an information organism. The study shows that Floridi’s conception of the inforg needs to be more consistent and complimented. The third conception, the inforg as a distributed dynamic actor in a network, attempts to remove some of the limitations of the previous conceptions, offering its original conception in which the inforg is a dynamic distributed structure that is temporally and situationally variable depending on the specific forms and goals of information interactions. Originality / value – The third approach we propose allows inforg to be used in the new concepts of authorship, citation ethics, and information retrieval or to describe sociotechnical systems, especially in emerging systems with generative artificial intelligence.
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