Publication details

Únětické kamenné mlaty se žlábkem z okresu Prostějov

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Title in English Únětice Hammers with Groove from the Prostějov Region


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu Slovenskej akadémie vied
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Prostějov region; Early Bronze Age; Únětice culture; hammers with groove; use-wear analysis; petrography
Description The paper presents the results of a project dealing with the Únětice culture stone hammers from the Prostějov region. The research was based on the results of a combination of natural science analyses (the use-wear and petrographic analyses). The Únětice culture stone hammers were artefacts in the BA1 – BA2 period for which we do not know what function they may have had in the Prostějov region. The study also offers a discussion on how the objects were attached into a functional working position. The work partly builds on earlier lines of research and generally sets new theoretical directions for research.
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