Publication details

Vojenská závěť v českém občanském zákoníku

Title in English Military Will in the Czech Civil Code


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Vojenské rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access článku
Keywords Military Will; Czech Civil Code 2012; Law of Succession; Last Will; Codizil
Description The text is dedicated to the analysis of the legal regulation of military wills in the new Civil Code (Law No. 89/2012 Coll.). It places it in a historical legal context. However, priority attention is paid to a detailed analysis of the current legal regulation and potential issues that this regulation brings. It also briefly mentions other options for last dispositions that a soldier could use. The legal regulation of military wills in the Civil Code can be characterized as very well conceived, reflecting the reality of foreign missions. The fact that it takes the form of a public document is also significant if the relevant requirements are met. However, the question is how the application practice of the courts will approach the adjustment.

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