Publication details

Komiks v Česku: historie, specifika, žánry a směry

Title in English Comics in the Czech Republic: history, specifics, genres and directions

KOS Matěj

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Přednášky a besedy z LVII. ročníku Letní školy slovanských (bohemistických) studií
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords comics; Czech comics
Description Comics are currently among relatively popular cultural artefacts in the Czech Republic. Today, oneusually encounters it for the first time already at an early school age, for example in the form of a unique Czech phenomenon in the form of the Four-Leaf Clover (Čtyřlístek), translated stories about Asterix or TinTin, or through numerous American comic stories based on the ideas of Walt Disney, for example Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck. Elaborate superhero worlds are among the popular forms of comics in all age categories, and we can currently observe a large increase in the popularity of Asian comics created in a specific style - manga - in the publishing plans of Czech publishers. However, comics are not only manga, superhero stories and series intended for children, but a vast landscape containing works of various genres and qualities, which we can increasingly find on the shelves of ordinary bookstores or encounter reports about new comic works by Czech creators in mainstream media. This lecture therefore aims to briefly guide students through the history of this medium in the Czech Republic and to outline its current state.
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