Publication details

Flexible learning and teaching: Thematic Peer Group Report


BREKKE Morten TORSTVEIT Geir MAIKEN Koien Andersen LISA Kjosnes Fredsvik MIJATOVIĆ Aleksandar BULANT Michal OLEKSÍKOVÁ Kateřina ANTALOVÁ Natália OUN Tiia KREULICH Klaus SCHINDLER Christina ANZI Lucie HANRIEDER Bettina SONIA Gomez Puente SZOZDA Natalia AMARAL Carla Maria CRAVINO José MACHADO Diogo ASLAM Tehseen AINHOA Goienetxea Uriarte ZHANG Thérese

Year of publication 2024
Type Research report
Description European higher education institutions (HEIs) are facing increasing demands for more flexible learning and flexibility in learning paths. This report from a 2023 European University Association Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group on “Flexible learning and teaching” explores the complexity of implementing flexible learning at HEIs, starting by defining what it means and entails for the institution, and its members and entities (staff, students, leadership, faculties). With the view that the development of flexible learning is an essential condition for the future of learning at universities, the group identified challenges and examples of practice, and offered recommendations for institutions to reflect on their strategy and build capacity for flexible learning.

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