Publication details

A database of the healthy human spinal cord morphometry in the PAM50 template space



Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Imaging Neuroscience
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords Spinal cord; morphometric measures; normalization; normative values
Description Measures of spinal cord morphometry computed from magnetic resonance images serve as relevant prognostic biomarkers for a range of spinal cord pathologies, including traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury and neurodegenerative diseases. However, interpreting these imaging biomarkers is difficult due to considerable intra- and inter-subject variability. Yet, there is no clear consensus on a normalization method that would help reduce this variability and more insights into the distribution of these morphometrics are needed. In this study, we computed a database of normative values for six commonly used measures of spinal cord morphometry: cross-sectional area, anteroposterior diameter, transverse diameter, compression ratio, eccentricity, and solidity. Normative values were computed from a large open-access dataset of healthy adult volunteers (N = 203) and were brought to the common space of the PAM50 spinal cord template using a newly proposed normalization method based on linear interpolation. Compared to traditional image-based registration, the proposed normalization approach does not involve image transformations and, therefore, does not introduce distortions of spinal cord anatomy. This is a crucial consideration in preserving the integrity of the spinal cord anatomy in conditions such as spinal cord injury. This new morphometric database allows researchers to normalize based on sex and age, thereby minimizing inter-subject variability associated with demographic and biological factors. The proposed methodology is open-source and accessible through the Spinal Cord Toolbox (SCT) v6.0 and higher.
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