Publication details

“Beyond the Insight Roles” : Constructions of “The Nature” and the Strategies Responsible for (De-)Legitimisation of Extreme-Right Politics in the Sinister Milieu

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MOKRÝ Matouš

Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Since the last decade, a particularly discussed esoteric movement with extreme-right and terrorist sympathies has been the “sinister milieu". In the milieu, the adoption of extreme right politics is one possible strategy of antinomian self-development and correction of the evolution of the West into its "natural" course. Yet, the academic research lacked a substantial analysis of the motivations present in the milieu for the involvement or disinvolvement in the extreme right. This paper introduces the pilot results of such analysis, developed in the Programme Johannes Amos Comenius grant project Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience Building (CoRe) To accomplish this analysis thoroughly, it aims to map all major views on the extreme right explicitly stated by the actors across the complex milieu, as well as to uncover the implicit factors involved in the legitimisation, or de legitimisation of this politics. The analysed dataset forms a representative sample of 84 shorter doctrinal and practical texts (“manuscripts” in the common terminology of the milieu) in which thematization of the extreme right was discerned and which circulate across the important online spaces of the milieu. The discursive strategies responsible for legitimisation, or de legitimisation of the extreme right were uncovered by qualitative coding. Via this approach, the paper not only contributes to the understanding of the entanglements between the far right and alternative spiritualities but will also demonstrate how constructions of “ the nature” and “the natural” influence the political views in the sinister milieu.
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