Publication details

Stroke care indicators in the Republic of Moldova - the RES-Q registry


MANOLE Elena TIU Cristina VILIONSKIS Aleksandras TSISKARIDZE Alexander ZOTA Eremei GRECU Andreea MIKULÍK Robert BORNSTEIN Natan GROPPA Stanislav

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords stroke care registry quality indicators RES-Q ESO-EAST
Description Introduction There were no data on in-hospital stroke care indicators until Moldova's accession to the international Registry of Stroke Care Quality (RES-Q) platform in 2016. The aim of this paper was to assess the acute stroke care quality in Moldova based on the data of the RES-Q registry. Material and methods We analyzed the data of all patients with acute ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke of the RES-Q from 15 Moldovan hospitals. Data were collected for one month each year, during a 3-year period (2017-2019). Data analysis was performed between hospitals according to their access to a brain CT facility for Moldovan participating hospitals. Additionally, Moldovan data were compared with other three ESO-EAST (European Stroke Organization Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment) project countries: Romania, Lithuania, and Georgia. Results A total of 1660 patients were recruited in the study, mean age of 68 years (49% men). Moldova registered poorer results in number of brain CT performed (81% [95% CI 79-84%]), dysphagia screening (29% [95% CI 27-32%]), IV thrombolysis performed (3% [95% CI 2-4%]), administration of anticoagulants (44% [95% CI 39-49%]) and statins (42% [95% CI 39-45%]) at discharge, in-hospital stroke mortality (17% [95% CI 15-19%]). Within Moldova the stroke care quality was driven by the access to CT scan. Conclusions Our study highlighted some serious gaps of in-hospital stroke care performance in Moldova, such as the lack of CT scans in many public hospitals, the absence of a national stroke center network, extremely low accessibility of IV thrombolysis and unsatisfactory implementation of secondary stroke prevention treatment.

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