Publication details

The language ability test for preschool children



Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source African Journal of Biological Sciences
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Reading preliteracy, pre-reading skills, preschool age, preschool children, language ability test
Description Abstract— The reading preliteracy is a kind of preliminary stage of reading literacy and is understood as a set of gradually developing prerequisites for reading and writing before starting elementary school (Kropáčková et al., 2014). An important part of literacy development is the family and preschool education - kindergarten. This study is part of a dissertation which is focused on supporting the development of reader preliteracy in the families of preschool children and in kindergarten. In this contribution, I present the results of a pre-test and post-test which was focused on assessing language and speech skills. The aim of this research was to identify individual level of language skills of children and compare their score within at the beginning and at the end of school year. It was a standardized test of language skills (Seidlová, Málková & Smolík, 2014). The results brings positive findings. All children scored higher and their language skills have improved not only thanks to the natural development of the child, but also thanks to the focus of teaching and individualized support of the kindergarten to the children and their needs.

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