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Vize a realita při výběru a přijímání nových učitelů: perspektivy pedagogických lídrů a začínajících učitelek

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Title in English Vision and reality in the recruitment and hiring of new teachers: the perspective of pedagogical leaders and novice teachers


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords teacher recruitment; school leaders; school vision; novice teachers; the shock of reality
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Description In this study, I examine the process of recruting and hiring novice teachers in Czech schools. The results are based on an analysis of qualitative in-depth interviews with six novice teachers and six pedagogical leaders who recruited these teachers to schools in the 2022/2023 school year. Based on the narratives of these participants, I sought to answer what practices leaders use when selecting new teachers, what reasons leaders give for selecting a suitable candidate, what role the vision of the school plays in this selection process, and what expectations leaders have of newly hired teachers. I identify the different conceptions of leaders’ visions that guide their teacher selection process. The data analysis reveals that leaders made their decisions in selecting the teachers under study mainly based on their personal sympathies and rapport during the recruitment interview. At the same time, the analysis revealed that the leaders’ expectations were not sufficiently understood by the teachers. This lack of understanding over time led the teachers to re-evaluate their roles and their positions in the school, often influencing their thinking and often leading them to question whether they wanted to stay or leave the school.
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