Publication details

Doporučení ESPEN k nemocničnímu stravování - část 10: Existuje klinický přínos sníženého přívodu soli u selhávání ledvin, srdečního selhání, arteriální hypertenze a jaterní cirhózy s edémem?

Title in English ESPEN guideline on hospital nutrition - part 10: Is salt reduction associated with clinical benefits in renal failure, heart failure, arterial hypertension and liver cirrhosis with edema?


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Keywords hospital diets; guideline; nutrition; dietitian
Description Anotace anglicky The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism published recommendations for hospital nutrition in 2021. It proposes evidenc-base recommendations regarding the organization of food catering, the prescriptions and indications of diets, as well as monitoring of food intake at hospital, rehabilitation center and nursing home, all of these by taking into account the patient perspective to reduce risk of malnutrition. All 56 ESPEN recommendations are presented.

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