Publication details

Technological and provenance insights into La Tène pottery: An analysis of the settlement assemblage from Křinec (Czech Republic)


VOLF Jan SLAVÍČEK Karel THÉR Richard TRNOVÁ Kristýna

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Archeologické rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Late La Tene period; production of pottery; socio-economic network; X-ray fluorescence; ceramic petrography; computed tomography
Description During the Late La Tene period in the first century BC, Central Europe witnessed significant shifts in settlement structures and material culture. Understanding these changes necessitates an examination of LT D1b phase settlements, particularly in Bohemia, where such sites are rare. This study extends beyond conventional stylistic analysis of pottery, incorporating material and manufacturing perspectives to reveal production organisation, distribution, and community interactions. Through a comprehensive examination of the settlement pottery from the feature 27/1986 from Křinec using X-ray fluorescence, thin section analysis, and computed tomography, we have gained a better understanding of the settlement's position in the regional socio-economic network within which ceramic vessels or raw materials were transported over distances of more than 20 km. The presented approach offers a deeper comprehension of the La Tene period's end in Bohemia and underscores the value of multifaceted pottery research in archaeological studies.

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