Publication details

Hudební obraznost v Janáčkových fejetonech z Lidových novin

Title in English Music-related figurative language in Janáček's feuilletons from Lidové noviny


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Musicologica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Leoš Janáček; feuilleton; Lidové noviny; figurative language; musical metaphor
Description Leoš Janáček's feuilletons from Lidové noviny form a substantial part of his literary work. Inspired by music on several levels, they are both valuable musicological documents and original literary works. This article focuses mainly on their literary qualities, observing Janáček's music-related figurative language, particularly musical metaphors. It shows how the author combines the motifs of nature and music and how he treats the motif of a musical tone. It also demonstrates the ambiguity of musical images, which could be interpreted both literally and figuratively. Such ambiguity is presented as an efficient literary device, which connects diverse styles, themes, or locations, and thus contributes to the heterogeneity of Janáček's texts.
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