Publication details

Klácelova Ladověda. K možnostem dnešního publikování

Title in English Klacel s Ladoveda. On the Possibility of Todays Publishing


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Súradnice estetiky, umenia a kultúry 9
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords F. M. Klácel; Průklesť k ladovědě; aesthetics
Description The first Czech attempt to create a comprehensive aesthetic system dates back to 1869, which, however, has not been published to date. It is Průklesť to the geologist F. M. Klácel (1808–1882). Klácel's manuscript is stored in the Moravian State Archives and has 856 manuscript pages. Ladoveda represents an indispensable part of Klácel's original grand philosophical conception of universality, which is expressed in the works Dobrovéda, Průklesť k ladoveda, Vesměrnost. In the article, we will try to present Klácel's aesthetics and answer the question of why Klácel's Ladovéda has never been published, what are the pitfalls of the text and its interpretation, and whether, and if so in what respect, its publication is currently meaningful.
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