Publication details

Case report: Therapeutic drug monitoring and CYP2D6 phenoconversion in a protracted paroxetine intoxication



Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Frontiers in Pharmacology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords paroxetine; poor and intermediate metabolizer; phenoconversion; overdose; case report
Description Objective The cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) is an enzyme involved in the oxidative biotransformation of various widely used drugs, including paroxetine, a substrate and strong inhibitor of the enzyme. The aim is to report on a case of protracted intoxication with paroxetine after a single overdose in a genotype-predicted intermediate CYP2D6 metabolizer.Observation A 49-year-old man was receiving chronic treatment for more than 6 years with paroxetine 60 mg/day for an indication of agoraphobia. The patient ingested fifty 20 mg tablets of paroxetine in a suicide attempt. The toxic plasma level, accompanied by delirium, persisted for approximately 1 month after the overdose. According to the genotype profile, the patient was evaluated as an intermediate metabolizer with reduced CYP2D6 enzyme activity.Conclusion As a consequence of the suicide attempt with overdose and the chronic paroxetine treatment that preceded it, phenoconversion to a poor metabolizer with very low CYP2D6 enzyme activity is suggested as contributing to an extremely long intoxication accompanied by delirium. Prolonged monitoring over a standard 24 h of both physical symptoms and drug plasma levels, together with a genetic profile assessment and phenoconversion consideration, is recommended after a single overdose in patients chronically treated with paroxetine.

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