Publication details

Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 8

Title in English Commented phytosociological relevés from the Czech Republic 8


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Zprávy České botanické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Artemisietea vulgaris; Braun-Blanquet approach; Cymbalario muralis-Parietarietea judaicae; Galio-Urticetea; Koelerio-Corynephoretea; Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea; phytosociology; plant communities; Polygono arenastri-Poëtea annuae; Rhamno-Prunetea; syntaxonomy
Description The eighth partof the series summarizing remarkable phytosociological relevés provides novel data on the distribution, ecology, and species composition of eight vegetation types from the Czech Republic (Central Europe). The majority of the contributions deal with non-forest vegetation of anthropogenic sites, recorded for particular regions of this country for the fi rst time. Disturbed vegetation of sandy soils dominated by annual grass Vulpia myuros (Vulpietum myuri) was recorded in several regions of the country, confi rming the recent expansion of this thermophilous species. Annual trampled vegetation dominated by native Herniaria glabra and archaeophytic H. hirsuta (Herniarietum glabrae) was recorded in the Labe River basin, eastern Bohemia, southern Moravia, and the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. Ruderal vegetation with the prevalence of annual archaeophyte Crepis foetida subsp. rhoeadifolia (Dauco carotae-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae) was documented in southern Moravia outside the city of Brno. Perennial nitrophilous fringe vegetation with alien herb Peucedanum ostruthium, presumably associated with its historical cultivation, was recorded in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands and in the Sudetes Mts. Its syntaxonomic position is discussed. Nitrophilous wall vegetation with ornamental herbs Cymbalaria muralis and C. pallida, both native to southern Europe, was sampled in western Moravia. The remaining two contributions deal with natural vegetation. Tall sedge formations with mesothrophic Carex elata (Caricetum elatae) is for the fi rst time reported from southern Moravia. A thermophilous shrub community dominated by Cornus mas (Violo hirtae-Cornetum maris) was recorded in the Moravian Karst, where only historical records had been available to date.

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