Publication details

Slovakia : “Why should we save their ass, when it's their own fault?”



Year of publication 2024
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This chapter presents Slovakia, one of the member states of the European Union (EU) belonging to the Visegrád group, and a net recipient from the EU budget with prospects of becoming a net payer. The chapter starts with a general introduction to Slovakia and the country’s path to EU membership. It further gives a compact overview of Slovakia’s political system and key figures on its population and economy. The chapter continues with key highlights of political and public debates in Slovakia about European integration. The substantive third section of the chapter outlines the common patterns that emerged in the focus group discussions in Slovakia, particularly across the discussed scenarios presented to the participants and also between and within the three sociodemographic groups. The findings show that overall, the Slovak participants still saw their country as being on a somewhat bumpy way “back to Europe.” Their perceptions about transnational solidarity were persistently mixed with acknowledgement of national issues and criticism of the national political elites (e.g. level of corruption).

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