Publication details

Inkluzívne vzdelávanie ako výzva ku komplexnej spoločenskej a politickej zmene

Title in English Inclusive Education as a Call for a Complex Social and Political Change


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociológia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords inclusive education; social change; neoliberalism; transdisciplinarity; special education; special educational needs; disability; policies
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Description This article is a literature review of academic articles in the educational sciences published in the International Journal of Inclusive Education between 2013 and 2023, focusing thematically on the political, social, and conceptual-theoretical dimensions of inclusive education. Its aim is to explicitly connect educational sciences and sociology by examining research outputs in the field of inclusive education arising from educational sciences, which address the reproduction of inequalities and discrimination at the systemic social level. It focuses on the question of the societal and political implications of the concept of inclusive education. In doing so, it highlights the barriers at the societal level to the implementation of inclusive education in the form of the dominant deficit-focused perception of children experiencing educational difficulties; the lack of transdisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation; and neoliberal values such as competitiveness and individualism leading to the segregation of children with poorer educational outcomes. It concludes by pointing out some problematic aspects of the concept of inclusive education for a broader social and political change. Additionally, it argues that the implementation of inclusive education can only be sustainable if it includes broader social change beyond the field of education.

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