Publication details

Druhy, třídění, výskyt a příčiny negativních zkušeností klientů v psychoterapii

Title in English Types, differentiation, frequency and causes of client’s negative experiences in psychotherapy


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Psychoterapie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek - open access
Keywords Psychotherapy; client; experience; negative; effect; worsening
Attached files
Description Recently published qualitative meta-analysis on negative experiences from clients’ perspective (Vybíral et al., 2024) was extended for purpose of the theoretical review. Further studies published in the last two years were included as well as studies based on complaints collected by ethical bodies. Relevant dissertations and diploma theses were not excluded as well. This review offers a large overview focused on kinds of negative experiences, on possible classifications, on frequencies of mentioned negative events and effects in several studies, asking also for causes. The clients’ negative experiences include boundary crossing, including boundaries of intimacy, or sexuality, experiences with inappropriate therapists’ behavior and failed termination of treatment. The frequency of negative experiences might be higher compared with traditional estimations between 5 and 13 percent. Today, the problem has been accepted and described in wide range of studies. Causes of negative effects are identified on both the therapist’s and client’s side.
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