Publication details

Mezi filosofií a medicínou: Preventive & long-term thinking v rámci řešení přelidnění

Title in English Between Philosophy and Medicine: Preventive and Long-Term Thinking in Combating Overpopulation


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Právne, forenzné a ekonomické aspekty medicíny 2023 - Zborník prednášok
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords preventive thinking; long-term thinking; preventive medicine; family planning; human overpopulation
Description This treatise discusses two concepts, namely preventive thinking and long-term thinking. Preventive thinking is well established in preventive medicine, of which family planning is a prime example. Preventive thinking is ethical, cost-effective and pragmatic because both individuals and populations benefit from it. Long-term thinking is implicitly included in preventive medicine but needs to be incorporated elsewhere. The treatise further presents Roman Krznaric's The Good Ancestor, where the idea of long-term thinking is discussed and presented to a larger public. Both preventive thinking and long-term thinking are essential in combating global issues of today, including the problem of human overpopulation.
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