Publication details

Evolution of mobile retail food stores from the times of communist Czechoslovakia to the present: a historical excursion



Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description Mobile retail food stores have undergone significant changes within the Czech retail sector. In connection with the development of the economy and changes in the spatial distribution of retail after the end of the communist period, the number of mobile food stores dramatically decreased. After the liberalization and privatization of the Czech economy, the parameters of the retail network changed, with large-scale stores entering the territory and subsequently expanding. The expansion of the influence of large-format retail continues to this day, with the need for mobile retail stores gradually disappearing. The issue of mobile retail has returned to the forefront recently, especially in connection with the limited mobility of citizens due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In many European countries, however, the issue has been addressed for several years. Given the current wave of store closures, especially in rural areas, caused by changes in the retail environment due to rising prices and inflation, the possibility of reintroducing a similar type of food sales arises. This paper will highlight the evolution of mobile retail food stores from the times of communist Czechoslovakia to the present, aiming to emphasize their potential use in areas, where basic services are not guaranteed.

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