Publication details

Zkušenosti a výzvy při implementaci eHealth nástroje na podporu duševního zdraví do zdravotnického systému na Masarykově onkologickém ústavu – cesta studie na ověření efektivity aplikace MOÚ MindCare

Title in English Experiences and challenges in the implementation of eHealth tool for mental health support in the healthcare system at the Masaryk Cancer Institute - a path study to verify the effectiveness of the MOH MindCare application


Year of publication 2024
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Introduction: mental health support should be an integral part of cancer treatment. Research in psychooncology shows that psychological interventions can improve patients' quality of life and help prevent the development of psychiatric disorders. The MOH MindCare mobile app was developed to deliver psychological interventions using eHealth technologies. It offers access to therapeutic tools to help manage treatment-related stress and anxiety. The implementation of a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of eHealth systems brings new challenges such as effective communication between healthcare staff, IT professionals, hospital management and patients. Careful planning, technical support, data security and patient privacy according to legal requirements are necessary. Objective:The aim of this paper is to present the biggest challenges in implementing eHealth programs in hospital systems and their possible solutions.Results: the implementation ofMOU MindCare involved several key challenges: obtaining funding, finding researchers and facilities at the MOU. In addition, it was necessary to engage and coordinate a wide range of staff at different levels of specialization. For this reason, clear communication strategies were developed and access to information was ensured through shared drives, meetings and study diaries. Another challenge was to create appropriate communication channels to gain patients' trust and to promote their motivation to use the app, which was achieved through active recruitment, leaflets and banners. The MOU MindConnect system was created to protect and automatically collect data. CONCLUSION: Implementing an eHealth application such as MOU MindCare into a healthcare system presents a number of new challenges that must be overcome for successful integration and effective care delivery. Effective communication and collaboration between all stakeholders and support for the application users is key. Successful implementation can significantly improve the quality of life of cancer patients and provide them with the support they need, as confirmed by the positive feedback from users of the MOU MindCare app.
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