Publication details

Searching for Language Centres´ - Potential to Change: A comparative case study



Year of publication 2024
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description Searching for Language Centres´ Potential to Change: A comparative case study Traditional ways language centres (LC) function have been shaken by powerful global events, such as pandemics, regional wars or AI developments, and by contradictory educational trends, such as dominance of English as lingua franca in academic communication and research, and the dramatic impact of plurilingualism in CEFR Companion Volume on language teaching practice. Taking the examples of the Masaryk University Language Centre (CJV MU), Brno, Czechia, and Centre for Academic Literacies and Languages of the European University Institute (CALL EUI), Florence, Italy, this talk will present a comparison of recent changes in their organisational structures, range of services offered and focus of curricula. In the context of both institutions, we will address and explore issues, such as: LC´s target audiences, expertise of the LC´s staff, LCs as testing centres, LC´s pure language focus, or even-only-vaguely-language-related soft skills support. The aim of the talk is to identify and critically discuss areas and steps that may enhance introduction of conceptually wider sets of activities and services language centres provide.

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