Publication details

Nová budoucnost pokřtěného: Klement Alexandrijský inspirován valentinovskými naukami o křtu

Title in English The New Future of the Baptized One: Clement of Alexandria Inspired by Valentinian Concepts of Baptism


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia theologica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Ancient Astrology; Sacramentology; Valentinian Gnosis; Clement of Alexandria; Greek Patrology; Early Christian Literature
Description The aim of this article is to present Clement of Alexandria’s response to the Valentinian concepts of baptism, with an emphasis not on his critical position (which is absolutely predominant), but on some of the elements that Clement is inspired by and which enrich his own theology by their creative adaptation. This is in particular the Valentinian conception of baptism as an entry into knowledge and into a new future, or as a spiritual resurrection that can be experienced already here in this world. The article draws on Clement’s Excerpts from Theodotus and Eclogae propheticae, as well as on his Paedagogus and Stromata.

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