Publication details

Výrazy pro lásku v Septuagintě a Novém zákoně

Title in English Words of Love in the Septuagint and the New Testament


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia theologica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords New Testament; Septuagint; words of love; eros; philia; agape
Description Together with the previous article Three Levels of Love in Greek? Words of Love in Non-Christian writers and the Church Fathers, published in ST 16-1/2014, this paper provides a comparison between the semantic situation of classical Greek, the languageof the Church Fathers, and Biblical Greek. Particularly, it is demonstrated that no (threefold) hierarchy of the terms of love existed in any period. A complex view on the wide spectrum of Biblical words of love is presented (it is not limited to avgapa/n( filei/n( evra/n( ste,rgein and related terms), and the usage of words of love in the Septuagint translations from Hebrew and the New Testament is contrasted with the Septuagint books written in Greek.

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