Publication details

„Jak si poradit se změnami, co nám AI přinese?” : Role-playing jako médium učení o AI a jejích dopadech pro knihovníky a veřejnost

Title in English "How to deal with the changes AI will bring us?" : Role-playing as a medium for learning about AI and its implications for librarians and the public


Year of publication 2024
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation KÁČOVÁ, Natálie and Anežka MALČÍKOVÁ. „Jak si poradit se změnami, co nám AI přinese?” : Role-playing jako médium učení o AI a jejích dopadech pro knihovníky a veřejnost ("How to deal with the changes AI will bring us?" : Role-playing as a medium for learning about AI and its implications for librarians and the public). 2024.
Description During the workshop, we will guide you through the design of an experiential program on artificial intelligence and its social impact that we have created for librarians and the public. We will start by introducing the process of creating the experiential program and the transformational framework we followed, which can be used for you to create experiential programs as well. In the second, more interactive part, we will try out selected moments of the experiential program - you will get to know the story and characters of the experiential program and together we can try out "subtle" role-playing.
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