Publication details

Floristic classification of Geranion sanguinei in South Moravia (Czech Republic)



Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Biologia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Fringe vegetation; Geranion sanguinei; Syntaxonomy; Tall-herb vegetation; Trifolio-Geranietea; Vegetation classification
Description Approaches to the classification of thermophilous fringe and tall-herb vegetation in Central Europe vary in many respects. In this study, we provide new vegetation-plot data from South Moravia (Czech Republic), develop a new classification based on differences in overall species composition and compare it with recently used classifications. A dataset of 169 releves fulfilling the condition of at least 50% cover of tall herbs or lower broad-leaved herbs characteristic of fringe vegetation was classified into six informal vegetation types, four of which may be considered equivalent to phytosociological associations. The most mesophilous and species-rich type Potentilla alba-Laserpitium latifolium is distributed on deep loamy soils developed over the Carpathian flysh, mainly in the White Carpathians. Potentilla argentea-Geranium sanguineum is the most heliophilous type, including acidophilous species and occurring on siliceous rock outcrops along the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. Type Vincetoxicum hirundinaria-Origanum vulgare is confined to hard base-rich rocks and occurs mainly in the limestone areas of the Moravian Karst and the Pavlov Hills. Type Geranium sanguineum-Peucedanum cervaria occurs mainly on deep calcareous soils developed over loess and Tertiary claystones in the central part of the South Moravian forest-steppe. The floristic classification of the thermophilous fringe and tall-herb vegetation in South Moravia yielded ecologically and geographically well characterized units that simultaneously differ from dry grasslands by the dominance of herbs, mainly tall herbs. It may serve as a model for future revisions of the national syntaxonomic classification scheme of fringe and tall-herb vegetation in the Czech Republic.

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