Publication details

Wandern gegen den Strom. Zur literarischen Zensur und Funktion von Paratexten in der Tschechoslowakei zwischen 1968 und 1989 am Beispiel der Peter-Handke-Rezeption

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Title in English Walking against the current. On literary censorship and the function of paratexts in Czechoslovakia between 1968 and 1989 using the example of the reception of Peter Handke


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Weimarer Beiträge
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Keywords Czechoslovakia; literature in totalitarian regime; paratexts; Peter Handke; reception studies
Description This analysis expands existing research on the reception of West German literature in the countries of the former Soviet bloc. Using the case study of translations of Handke's texts, the reception process of German literature in Czechoslovakia is examined, while at the same time a more general analysis of the specific function of paratexts in the totalitarian regime is presented. It can be assumed that Czechoslovak editions of the works of members of Group 47 and thus of Peter Handke are suitable material for such case studies that identify and describe in more detail the general strategies of publishers in an environment characterized by ideologically motivated censorship and political restrictions on the topic of freedom of expression. The aim of this article is to show in the reception process of Handke's texts what role paratexts played in the literary communication of the past regime and what strategies their authors (translators or literary scholars) often chose to achieve the publication of these texts despite obstacles of socialist censorship.
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