Publication details

Rozvoj sítě triviálních škol na Moravě na konci 18. století

Title in English Development of the Network of Elementary Schools in Moravia at the End of the 18th Century


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper focuses on the development of the network of elementary schools in Moravia following the issuance of the General School Ordinance in 1774. It examines both the establishment of the school network and specific aspects related to this process, such as facilities, material conditions, and the founding of new schools. The research is primarily based on archival materials from the Moravian Provincial Archives in Brno and the Allgemeines Verwaltungsarchiv in Vienna. School reports from regional school commissioners, tasked with inspecting six districts, reveal an increase in the number of schools during the late 1780s and early 1790s, offering a comparison with the situation at the beginning of Joseph II’s independent reign. In addition to elementary schools, the study also considers so-called attached areas, which were part of the school network. Children from these areas were expected to attend designated schools, often facing various challenges. Attention is also given to proposals for establishing new elementary schools and their implementation, as well as the extent to which non-Catholic (Protestant and Jewish) schools were built in individual districts. The development of the school network is compared primarily with the situation in Bohemia and takes into account other parts of the Habsburg monarchy.
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