Publication details

„Veď kto že už nám Slovákom pomôže, keď nie my sami“ - slovenský nacionalizmus v emigrantskej tlači 90. rokov v Rakúsku

Title in English „Who Else Will Help us Slovaks, if Not Ourselves“ – Slovak Nationalism in 1990s Emigrant Press in Austria


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The nationalist rhetoric and the interpretation of national history influenced by it were widely observed among Slovak exile organizations significantly affected by the ľudák (nationalist) emigration. The fall of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia gave them hope for the restoration of an independent Slovak Republic, but their visions of its form were not well understood "at home." However, how did the explicitly apolitical emigrant association perceive the country’s direction during this period? This contribution examines the magazine Pohľady, published by the Slovak-Austrian Cultural Association (*1982) in Vienna during the 1990s. It focuses on its interpretation of national history and its attitudes towards political events in Czechoslovakia (and later in Slovakia).
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