Publication details

Ochrana zvířat proti týrání ve světle aktuální judikatury

Title in English Protection of cruelty to animals in the light of current practice of the courts

KRÁLOVÁ Kristýna

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source České právo životního prostředí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access článku
Keywords cruelty to animals; conditions of breeding; breeding restriction; care of animals
Description The protection of cruelty to animals and their welfare is a specialist area which, although it has its historical foundations, has been gaining importance and developing at international, regional and national levels, especially in recent times. This article focuses on various aspects of animal care and welfare in the reflection of the courts practice. The subject of the article is mainly judicial decisions from recent years against the background of current legislation and selected opinions from the literature. The current judgment concerns mainly violation of the obligations laid down in Act No. 246/1992 Coll., on the protection of cruelty to animals, and other related legislation, also with regard to the amendments made in recent years. In the article the attention will be paid to violations of statutory obligations, which, depending on their nature and intensity, may be subject to administrative judiciary and the criminal justice system and practice. In the article the relevant conclusions of Court of Justice will also be of interest. The more fundamental conclusions arising from the case law of the courts will be quoted and analysed in more detail in the text.
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