Publication details

Algebraic Reasoning over Relational Structures

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Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the Fortieth Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, Volume 4
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Relational Structure; Algebra; Variety; Birkhoff; Equation
Description Many important computational structures involve an intricate interplay between algebraic features (given by operations on the underlying set) and relational features (taking account of notions such as order or distance). This paper investigates algebras over relational structures axiomatized by an infinitary Horn theory, which subsume, for example, partial algebras, various incarnations of ordered algebras, quantitative algebras introduced by Mardare, Panangaden, and Plotkin, and their recent extension to generalized metric spaces and lifted algebraic signatures by Mio, Sarkis, and Vignudelli. To this end, we develop the notion of clustered equation, which is inspired by Mardare et al.'s basic conditional equations in the theory of quantitative algebras, at the level of generality of arbitrary relational structures, and we prove that it is equivalent to an abstract categorical form of equation earlier introduced by Milius and Urbat. Our main results are a family of Birkhoff-type variety theorems (classifying the expressive power of clustered equations) and an exactness theorem (classifying abstract equations by a congruence property).
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