Publication details

Morfosemantyka złożonych wyrażeń liczebnikowych w języku polskim na tle konstrukcji liczebnikowych w językach świata

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Title in English Morphosemantics of complex numerical expressions in Polish compared to numerical constructions acros languages


Year of publication 2024
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the talk, I will discuss numerical expressions in Polish in the context of numerical constructions in other Slavic languages and in classifier languages. I will also analyze aspects of cardinal numerals (e.g., Wągiel & Caha 2021) as well as semantic and derivational functions of particular components of the morphological structure of complex numerical expressions: numerical roots, the suffix -oj-/-or-, other derivational morphemes and inflectional markers. Based on components of compositional semantics (e.g., Montague 1970, Link 1983) and the theory of nanosyntax (e.g., Starke 2009, Caha 2009), I will propse a morphosemantic analysis that will attempt to explain similarities and differences of Polish (and more general: Slavic) numerical expressions (compared to classifier constructions) within a single unified morphosemantic system.
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