Publication details

Kreativita a AI: mezi (neo)romantismem a (post)osvícenectvím

Title in English Creativity and AI: between (neo)romanticism and (post)enlightenment

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2024
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The development of systems using generative artificial intelligence creates an opportunity for transformations in activities that have information at their core - from new approaches in science to transformations in marketing or libraries. We are faced with the question of whether these systems are creative, or how they can help humans with creative activities in science and the arts. This paper seeks to analyse the approaches and work of students at Masaryk University who have encountered this topic in several courses. Based on the analysis of the available data, it appears that the learners: 1) perceive AI as a tool to support creativity, believing that it will enable them to be more creative; 2) see the potential of generative AI in the process of innovation; 3) feel competent at the level of working with tools in the field of AI use. Yet, some of them see the centre of gravity of their creative space outside the field of technology, in the field of returning to more traditional forms of working with information, in a certain slowing down and leaning towards their own emotions and experiences. The paper analyses the ambivalence of this thematic field, in which on the one hand there is a clear potential for innovation and creativity, and on the other hand the conviction of a part of the students that they do not want to participate in such a process of working with information, because they yearn more for (neo)romanticism than for a life of (post)enlightenment. What is the role of libraries in such a society?

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