Publication details

Reálná dostupnost ATMPs (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products) v České a Slovenské republice

Title in English Availability of ATMPs (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia


Year of publication 2024
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The aim of the lecture is to inform the audience about the current availability of ATMPs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, ATMP-specific availability limits and the routes by which these products can reach patients. Theoretical background of the lecture. The development of these products also targets rare diseases and offers hope for patients with previously untreatable diseases. There are 20 ATMPs registered in the European Union as of November 2024, but their availability varies substantially between Member States. The lecture will focus on the meaning of availability, describe which ATMPs are available in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in which indications and with what time delay. It will also focus on the access of patients with (ultra-)rare diseases to innovative therapies, the role of the academic sector and the possibilities of using unregistered ATMPs.
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