Publication details

Pojem společenství podle Luigiho Giussaniho

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Title in English The Concept of Community According to Luigi Giussani


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Mezinárodní katolická revue Communio
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Keywords Christianity; Communion; Community; Consciousness; Friendship; the common good
Description The article discusses the notion of communion in the work of Luigi Giussani, an Ital- ian theologian and the founder of the Communion and Liberation movement. In its first part, it distinguishes this concept from others depicting various forms of human sociability. It deals with the contrast between collective and community, association and community, as well as community and communion. In the second part, it focuses on two fruits of Christian community life, i.e., how the adherence to communion changes the awareness of its members as well as the relationship with other people. It culminates in the analysis of Giussani’s conception of friendship. All in all, the article argues that Giussani’s insights, based on his reflection about the practical experience of the Communion and Liberation movement, can particularly enrich discussions on these issues.
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