Publication details

Proč lidé vnímají duchy a přízraky? Pocit, že člověk není sám optikou teorie prediktivního zpracování

Title in English Why people sense ghosts and spirits? Feeling of presence through the lense of predictive processing theory


Year of publication 2024
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Most of us have experienced the feeling of not being alone - hearing strange noises in our surroundings, feeling as if someone is watching us, touching us lightly or walking around us. Can our minds and bodies create these feelings purely based on the environment we find ourselves in (such as darkness, silence and solitude)? How are they related to our prior expectations, and can they be induced purposefully, with the help of practices that help us to complete the expected sensory sensations? In this talk, I will focus on presenting my two recent investigations of the so-called sense of presence and generalize them with respect to a broader theoretical and cultural context.
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