Publication details

Křivda se neustále opakuje. Vědec chce hranici Čech a Moravy víc zatraktivnit

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Title in English The injustice is constantly repeated. A scientist wants to make the border between Bohemia and Moravia more attractive


Year of publication 2024
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The topic of the interview is the historical Bohemian-Moravian boundary and its meanings. Among other things, plans to declare the preserved border stones a cultural monument are mentioned. The topic of the interview is on the border of historical, cultural, political and new regional geography as well as tourism. Therefore, a practically identical text was published in three media: on iDNES under the title "The injustice is constantly repeated. The scientist wants to make the border of Bohemia and Moravia more attractive", in MF DNES Pardubický kraj under the title "The border is not just on the map. It belongs to the identity of many people." (April 18, 2024) and in 5plus2 Svitavsko and Orlickoústecko under the title "The border of Bohemia and Moravia as a tourist attraction" (April 12, 2024).
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