Publication details

"Sobald der König kommt". Wie Přemysl Ottokar II. die Auseindersetzungen in seinem Herrschaftsgebiet beilegte

Title in English "As soon as the king arrives". How Přemysl Otakar II resolved litigations in his lands


Year of publication 2025
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The subject of the article is a complete analysis of all recorded interventions of Přemysl Otakar II († 1278) in the settlement of litigation in his conglomerate of power, which consisted of the Bohemian lands, lands of the Babenbergs (Austria and Styria) and lands of the Spannheims (Carinthia and Carniola). The study notes the differences in the ruler's approach to litigation in the individual lands and within the thirty-year reign of Přemysl Otakar II. It reflects the contemporary context, the survival of sources and the nature of the documents, which may not reflect all of the king's interventions.

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