Publication details

Quality Control of Human PSC-derived RPE Cells for Regenerative Therapy



Year of publication 2024
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells form a specialized monolayer of polarized pigmented epithelial cells located between the blood vessels of the eye and the neural retina. The key function of RPE cells is the maintenance and protection of light-sensitive photoreceptors. Degeneration of RPE cells accompanies age-related eye diseases and can lead to the loss of vision. The rescue of patient´s vision can be achieved by replacement of the RPE cells. Therefore, we aim to differentiate human embryonal stem cells and human induced pluripotent stem cells into fully-functional RPE cells that would be suitable for the regenerative therapy To ensure the RPE cells are not released for the treatment of the patient until the quality has been considered satisfactory, we designed a panel of quality control tests that characterize a) functionality: phagocytosis, specific cytokine secretion, b) morphology, c) identity and viability: marker detection by immunocytochemistry and flowcytometry, d) immunogenicity: lymphocyte-graft cell immune reaction, HLA expression of RPE cells. These tests are prepared for the translation into advanced therapy medicinal product manufacture. Created in collaboration with MED MUNI through the CZECRIN project (LM2023049), supported by the national budget through MEYS. Supported by MED MUNI fund, MUNI/A/1598/2023, and by Ministry of Health of the Czechia, NU22-08-00629.
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